
on knitting and healing and other stuff

And then, things got hairy…

Posted by Janis on February 17, 2008

What have I done?!! My creation is now a very hairy, wavy mess. I’ve read that people shave felted items, but I’ll need to take this to the groomer we take our Newfie to, and take the electric clippers to it. I think the color stuff turned out OK, pretty much like the IK picture, if I could only see it for the shag… I am worried about the puckery aspects, however. Maybe I can steam it flatter when it dries? And finally — it is still really BIG, and to trim it, I’ll probably have to cut off some of the colorwork that took me 5,000 hours to do. Gak. I need to go lie down for awhile, until I regain my equililbrium…felted1.jpgfeltedcu.jpg

7 Responses to “And then, things got hairy…”

  1. Darx said

    It looks great! Maybe lay something heavy on it while it’s drying?

  2. Janis said

    Like Coco the Newfie! She could lay on it while it’s drying… but then it’d be even furrier! That’s a good idea, though – may try some books…

  3. I think it looks fine – not too fuzzy. You could probably block the finished bag once it is sewn up by stuffing it with towels and get rid of lumps.

  4. Ionadreams said

    It looks great. I love the colors.

  5. Janis said

    Thanks, Lisa & Ionadreams. I checked on it tonight and some of the waves seem to be drying out of it… and it’s shrinking a bit as it dries, too, so maybe I didn’t need to be a total head case over the thing…

  6. Karen said

    I found you through your post to the felting group on Ravelry, because I am having the exact same problem with a Lopi bag I just felted. (Mine however is DEFINITELY not as pretty as yours. Oh how I wish I were capable of creating such a thing.)

    I am glad to hear the waves dried out of yours. My project is looking very lumpy right now. šŸ™‚

  7. Stacey said

    You can always wet it again and throw it in the dryer if you need it smaller! šŸ˜€

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